
Navigating Files and Directories

Figure 1

The file system is made up of a root directory that contains sub-directories titled bin, data, users, and tmp

Figure 2

Like other directories, home directories are sub-directories underneath "/Users" like "/Users/imhotep", "/Users/larry" or"/Users/nelle"

Figure 3

A directory tree below the Users directory where "/Users" contains the directories "backup" and "thing"; "/Users/backup" contains "original","pnas_final" and "pnas_sub"; "/Users/thing" contains "backup"; and"/Users/thing/backup" contains "2012-12-01", "2013-01-08" and"2013-01-27"

Figure 4

A directory tree below the Users directory where "/Users" contains the directories "backup" and "thing"; "/Users/backup" contains "original","pnas_final" and "pnas_sub"; "/Users/thing" contains "backup"; and"/Users/thing/backup" contains "2012-12-01", "2013-01-08" and"2013-01-27"

Figure 5

General syntax of a shell command

Working With Files and Directories

Figure 1

screenshot of nano text editor in action with the text It's not publish or perish any more, it's share and thrive

Pipes and Filters

Figure 1

Redirects and Pipes of different commands: "wc -l *.pdb" will direct theoutput to the shell. "wc -l *.pdb > lengths" will direct output to the file"lengths". "wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -n 1" will build a pipeline where theoutput of the "wc" command is the input to the "sort" command, the output ofthe "sort" command is the input to the "head" command and the output of the"head" command is directed to the shell


Figure 1

The for loop "for filename in .dat; do echo cp $filename original-$filename;done" will successively assign the names of all ".dat" files in your currentdirectory to the variable "$filename" and then execute the command. With thefiles "basilisk.dat", "minotaur.dat" and "unicorn.dat" in the current directorythe loop will successively call the echo command three times and print threelines: "cp basislisk.dat original-basilisk.dat", then "cp minotaur.datoriginal-minotaur.dat" and finally "cp unicorn.datoriginal-unicorn.dat"

Shell Scripts

Finding Things